Two Small Requests With Offers

Once We Were Like Wolves has been out for exactly one month today! It’s opened bigger than any of my previous books, and while I know I have both the Indie Book Collective and the Amazon KDP Select program to thank for much of that, I also owe  deep gratitude to my faithful readers that have stuck with me from Knight of the Living Dead and First Chosen. If it weren’t for my early readers, who, while small in number, you were loud in voice, kept me going as I got my feet underneath me and my spirits up long enough to see my first Amazon bestseller in Halloween Jack and the Devil’s Gate to last December when every book I’ve put out saw some time on a bestseller list, to now, as I write this First Chosen is holding steady in the middle of the top one-hundred fantasy series list in the Amazon Kindle Store.

Thanks again to everyone who has supported me and my books as I live this dream. I really couldn’t have gotten here without you guys. However, now that I’ve got a taste for success, I’m realizing that we could get more. And yes, I mean WE, because this journey I’m on is not a solitary one. My success here is a shared thing between all of us. Now we’re ready to take the next steps toward even bigger and better things.

The Once We Were Like Wolves Amazon page is looking sparse on reviews. It’s got four, and that’s pretty  good, but I’d like a few more. So, anyone who posts a review by January 31st, AND sends me an email to will get a PDF copy of my award winning story The Half-Faced Man.” This story takes place in the same world as the Tears of Rage books, but like “Jaludin’s Road” it is set in the continent across the southern sea in The Lands of Endless Summer. The review doesn’t have to be a 4 or 5 star, just your honest and well-written opinion of the book. For those four who have already reviewed Once We Were Like Wolves, shoot me and email, and I’ll send you the story.

This is where things get trickier. See, Amazon has these “hidden” lists that authors can’t just put their books in. The only way to get into these lists is for people to “tag” the book into the list. That’s how First Chosen got into the “Fantasy Series” list. Enough of you guys tagged me there. Thanks for that! But we’re not done. Not yet. We still need to get Once We Were Like Wolves into the “Fantasy Series” list. I also want to get both books into the “Dark Fantasy” list.

Now this whole “tagging” thing confuses some people, so I’ll try to make it pretty simple. All you have to do is go to each of the links below and click on the boxes that have anything to do with “series” and/or “dark fantasy.” If you want to click on any others, that’s cool too, I will not mind in the least, but those are the important ones. Being in those two lists will gain me a huge amount of exposure and discoverability.

Just like with the review offer above, I’ve got something to give back to you guys. I’m going to be taking part in a HUGE promotion with a bunch of other Indie Book Collective writers during the first weekend of February. When you guys marshal forth and get First Chosen and Once We Were Like Wolves both into “Fantasy Series” and “Dark Fantasy” list, I’ll publish the novella I’m working on about how Julianna’s parents met, which also has some revelations about two of the important secondary characters we see at the end of Once We Were Like Wolves. It’s a love story Tears of Rage style… best of all… I’ll make it FREE! for a couple of days after I publish it.
So, there we have it. Two requests for aid, coupled with what I hope are suitable rewards for my loyal supporters. As I said, my success is really our success. Thanks for getting me this far. Let’s see how much further we can go!
