Blogtober 18 – Take a Breath

Take a breath

Wherever you are when you’re reading this, stop and take a breath.

Now, take another breath. Make it a little deeper and longer than the breath you just took. Maybe hold that breath for a couple of seconds between inhaling and exhaling. Take that second breath with intention. If you’ve already taken that second breath, maybe take a third. Make that third even deeper and longer than the first two.

This morning, just now, I was super stressing out over what to write for a new blog tober post. I stopped and started a couple of entries that I could feel weren’t going to go anywhere. Each successive post led to a little more stress and tension building in my shoulders and neck.

And then, I sat back to feel the breeze on my skin, listened to the birds, and had a sip of coffee.

I took a breath —a good, long, deep breath and reminded myself it’s just a blog tober post. It’s not that big a deal.

Then I remembered how much I appreciate and enjoy taking a breath now and then. And I don’t mean breathing, although that’s pretty awesome too. I mean taking a breath. By that, I mean sitting or standing and inhaling and exhaling with intention, noticing all the sensations in my body as I breathe in and out. I don’t do this nearly enough.

In taking my breaths, I thought, someone out there in internet land might need a breath too… so… here’s today’s post about taking a breath.

Take a breath.

As my hapkido instructor says, “Breathing is very important. You should do it at least once a day whether you need it or not.

Take a breath.
