Blogtober 15 – A Day in the Life

The other day, my good friend, Brian C. E. Buhl, wrote a day-in-the-life-post. So… I thought I’d do one too. This is for Friday the 13th of October.

All time stamps are approximations.

8:30 AM: I woke up. I usually wake up between 7:00 and 8:00, but I don’t bounce back from all-night pain fasts like I did when I was in my 40s. I got my phone. Scrolled through the news and a bit from my social media feeds.

9:00 AM: Made coffee, set up my workstation in the front yard, and got to writing. As I do every day, I started with The Wondering Project, my daily writing meditations for 2023. I followed that up with the Blogtober 13th post — Challenge Accepted. Then I worked on SPELLPUNK a bit.

10:30 AM I went back inside to dictate my Wondering Project and Blogtober posts, cleaned them up, and posted them to Patreon and my website respectively.

11:15 AM: I played two matches of Titanfall 2. I love this game. Sometimes I’m not very good. That’s the hallmark of a good game for me. Even when I’m not very good at it I still love playing it.

11:45 AM: I put together The SPELLPUNK Requiems page here on my website, which included a slight modification to the SPELLPUNK logo via Photoshop, and grabbed all the chapter links from Patreon.

12:15 PM: I had a short conversation with my mother.

12:30: I showered, got dressed. and responded to an e-mail that couldn’t wait.

1:00 PM: played one match of Titanfall 2.

1:20: I drove across town to pick up my warrior princess from school. I listened to Master and Commander 10, The Far Side of the World, as I drove. This is my second time through the series. I’m alternating listening to a Master and Commander book and a Terry Pratchett book. If you do decide to listen to the Master and Commander series, make sure you get the ones narrated by Patrick Tull. He’s brilliant. The other narrator is barely passable.

2:30 PM: We arrived at our after-school hangout spot for burgers and snacks. I had a long chat with the warrior Princess to remind her that we are a Red Sox family, and as such, we do not wear Yankees hats—not even for cosplaying. It just isn’t done.

3:00 PM: I drove to my credit union to deal with the check that wasn’t clearing. That took longer than I expected. I am growing unhappy with my credit union. Perhaps I’ll look for another. I took the Warrior Princess on a quick browse through Barnes & Noble. She decided to wait rather than get an impulse-buy book. She has gained so much wisdom at such a younger age than her father did.

4:00 PM: Gymnastics for the Warrior Princess. I wrote the first part of this list while intermittently watching her in class. I also read part of Crowes Requiem, by Mike McCormick. I’ve been looking forward to this book for a while. It’s Mike’s first book, and I haven’t been able to get it because it’s been out of print. It’s back in print, and I managed to find a vendor on Amazon selling an old copy hardback. I am happy.

5:00 PM: We drove across town to the Sacramento Poetry Center so the Warrior Princess and I could participate in Write Free Fridays. I go here every Friday evening to chill in a quiet space with other writers. The Warrior Princess and I showed up hella early because traffic wasn’t nearly as bad as it normally is. The Warrior Princess and I walked two blocks from the Poetry Center to a neighborhood corner market and got snacks and drinks. We practiced a bit of our Irish together. When we returned, the Poetry Center was open, so we helped set up tables and chairs for writing.

6:00 PM: Write Free Fridays. Got some good work done here. I wrote about 90 minutes on Halloween Jack and the Red Emperors. I haven’t written anything new on that for a couple of days. Something was getting in the way, but eventually, I got it figured out just by writing. When in doubt, start writing and remember that sometimes my subconscious is smarter than I am.

7:30 PM: We left Write Free Fridays

7:45 PM. We got to a Subway in West Sacramento for dinner with the Warrior Princess. Norm some sandwiches.

8:00 PM. Arrived at swing dancing. I don’t normally get here this early, but the Warrior Princess wanted to take the lesson. She’s such an amazing social creature and is taking to swing dancing much better than I did when I first started.

9:45 PM: The warrior Princess informed me that she was tired and asks if we can go. She danced hard. We headed home.

10:10 PM: Arrived home. The warrior Princess went to bed. I played a round of Titanfall 2. I didn’t play well. Decided not to play any further rounds and watched WWE Smackdown instead.

11:30 PM: While getting a snack during Smackdown, I had a chat in the kitchen with my mother. We caught up and discussed plans for Warrior Princess’s birthday weekend.

11:50 PM: I returned to watching Smackdown. I’m intrigued by where they will go next with the bloodline saga. I’m super jazzed for the impending Roman Reigns slash L.A. Knight feud.

12/10 AM: Smackdown ended, but I wasn’t really tired, so I watch Hell’s Kitchen. It’s one of my pure mindless fluff shows. This season they have a chef from Cork, Ireland in the competition, so you know who I’m rooting for.

12:50 AM: Crawl into bed.

