Random Things
I’m tired all the time these days and I don’t see this state of being changing any time soon. While I’ve almost got TEARS OF RAGE: First Chosen where I’m pleased enough to put it up – I’m really just waiting on a proofreader or two and a cover – I’m no where near a place where I can get back to a decent sleep schedule again. I’ve still got all those other projects to do. We’ve determined that Shandi is going to be this month’s novella, which I think is fitting, considering that I wrote it for Robin as an anniversary present last year. We won’t mention that, like most my writing projects, blew up in my face and wound up coming in at over twenty-thousand words.
I’t like to give a great big thanks to my buddy, Leo Rayz. Leo works with Robin. Leo has purchased both Knight of the Living Dead (3 Strange Knights) and The Dragon Bone Flute
for his Kindle app on his iPhone. Leo’s not much of a reader. Nothing wrong with that, just not his thing. He’s a video games and movies on his home entertainment system kind of guy. He got both stories because he wanted to support his friend. That means a lot to me, especially because a bunch of people I do know haven’t gotten it yet, and they are serious readers. I’m not bringing this up just to sound like a needy, attention-starved arteest. I’m mentioning it in relation to my earlier post about supporting struggling artists, especially the ones we personally know. I’d be giving this shout out to Leo if he’d done the same thing for anyone else. So, thanks again Leo. It means a lot.
I love my Kindle. My mother got me one for my birthday, and while I’ll never give up books, especially novels, I have discovered the greatest reason in the world for me to own a Kindle. I used to buy a lot of magazines, specifically Azimov’s Science Fiction and Fantasy and Science Fiction. The only problem was what to do with all those back issues that sat around collecting dust and causing clutter. Well, enter Kindle reader and all it’s awesomeness. I just subscribed to the Kindle version of Asimov’s. Unfortunately, it’s the only magazine in Kindle version that I’m interested in. Analog Science Fiction & Fact
is available, but that’s much more hard-core SF than I’m looking for. Hopefully, we’ll be seeing more and more genre magazines hitting the Kindle Store soon. I mean, come on! Shouldn’t some of those SF pulp mags be the first to embrace this new technology? Right?
Heard back from a writer friend of mine. He gave me a very nice promotional quote for Tears of Rage. I’m also got one from one of my former teachers who is also an excellent writer.
Today while driving home from getting Mathew at school, I came up with a great idea for the September columns of “Stranger than Fiction” over at www.dragonsbay.co. I’m going to the world Science Fiction Convention in August. I know a handful of writers who are known for being gamers. I’m going to see about arranging some interviews with them and ask them some questions about the whole idea of enhancing games using the elements of crafting fiction, and perhaps even how gaming help influence their writing.
Last but not least: thanks to Robin for putting up with me being Mr Grouchy pants while I’ve lost sleep and writing long hours in order to dedicate myself to my writing.