Dubbler Part 2 – Weekly Schedule


I’m really grooving on this Dubbler app. REALLY. I think it’s the start of something big, or at least, it’s a lot of fun for me. Anything I have fun with is big.

Since I’m getting really into this thing, and the last thing I need is yet one more out of control social networking platform to suck up my time, I’m going to actually schedule my time on Dubbler. I’m sure I’ll post…er…I guess on Dubbler people are calling it a “dub”… anyway, I’ll dub at other times, but putting up a regular posting schedule will help keep Dubbler from doing important things, like writing and playing with Megan.

I’ll do a quick reading from that day’s posting of Spellpunk, and give a quick tip on writing.

This will be my Genre Underground shout out day. I’ll read from a currently published Genre Underground book, read from someone’s else’s upcoming project, and I’ll talk about what the Genre Underground is up to as a group.

Review day! I’ll do a quick review of an indie or small-press book, and I’ll read a short snippet from a review of one of my books.

It’s quote day. I love quotes, and so I’ll give a day to them. First I’ll just read a quote I really like, and if the mood strikes, I’ll talk about it. Then, I’ll read a line or two from my own work that I’m particularly proud of.

Who doesn’t love a good Question and Answer session? I’ll start by reading from that day’s Spellpunk post. After that I’ll answer questions people want me to answer. Send them to me via my Facebook Page, ask my Twitter handle @MGallowglas with the hashtag #askMTG, or email me at bardscloak@gmail.com. Please keep in mind that my answers to any questions will be limited to 60 seconds, and I’d like to be able to read the question and answer it in the same dub. No Pressure.

And that’s the week. I’m sure I’ll occassionally dub stuff on the weekends. Once Renaissance Faire season kicks in, I’m pretty positive I’ll dubbing about my shows and maybe even getting some of the people there to say a thing or two.

Oh, and before I forget, one of the things I REALLY like about Dubbler, is that every dub get’s a website URL so that I can share that after the fact. In the next couple of days, I’ll be make a page on this site specifically for my Dubbler links. That way, you can listen in to what I have to say, without downloading the app.

If you can think of anything else you’d like to hear me pontificate upon, let me know in the comments below.


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