Blogtober10 – 10 For Tuesday! Lines I Really Enjoyed Writing

“I’m Halloween Jack. Let’s go scare some demons.”
Halloween Jack and the Devil’s Gate

“One thing Boy Scout had learned, probably the most important thing he’d learned from his mother’s books, the ones Dad hated, was that if you shovel bullshit with all your soul behind the load of crap, people buy it like a precious commodity. Screw fireballs, charm spells, divination, and all that hocus-pocus-bibity-bobity-peanut-butter-sandwich-phenomenal-cosmic-power that mages, witches, and wizards prattled on about – well-timed bullshit was the strongest magic in the universe.”
Dead Weight: The Tombs

“Murder is only an easy way to exchange one problem for another.”
An Imbalance of Shadows

Dark-Eyed Whiskey Woman // deep as an opera & smooth as blues
Remembering Her Across Alternate Timelines

“Luv iz stoopit,” me sayz. “Buggar stoopit luv.”
The 9/10 Memwar

“Phillip shouted something at me, but I played louder. I wanted him to understand the hurt he had caused me. I wanted him to know the hellfire of my scorn, and the only way I knew how to do that was through my flute.”
The Dragon Bone Flute

Words of one of my teachers came bubbling up from my memories: You’re not here to become professional writers, because most of you won’t. We’re here to observe the human condition and put it into words in such a way that we ask an unanswerable question about what it is to be human. So much for that “observe” part of that. Maybe that’s why I got a “C” in that class.
Dead Weight: Search and Destroy

Nouns verb; prepositions interject declaratives;
articled adjectives & adverbs conjunction, & inconveniently
mutate imprecisely into pronouned determiners.
150 Days After the End of a Universe

The camel-riding nomad tribes of the deep deserts have a saying, “The dunes are never the same on the return journey.”
Jaludin’s Road

Across instantaneous intersections of eternity that species of limited cognitive capacities categorize as time and within reflections of slivers of a fractured prism called space; another where, another when — that one place; that one time — limiting concepts; however, sometimes labeling is necessary for those species crawling up intellectual and spiritual evolutionary ladders one rung at a time; strings of singular simplicities can lead to brilliant epiphanies that change the foundation of realities — like 3,7-dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione… aka… the caffeine molecule — such a simple label for so miniscule a thing that lead to the shattering of more barriers and boundaries than any other enhancement across all of realities (yes, including whiskey).
SPELLPUNK: Harlan Ellison’s Circular Law of Storytelling
