M Todd Gallowglas 2015 Holiday Sale


We’re coming up on the annual gift giving season. Since I am a shameless self-promoter, I’m going to jump on the band wagon of offering awesome sales/discounts in the hopes that my books will find their way in front of some new readers.ToRCoversBanner

So, here’s the sale: Between now and Monday, December 15th, I’m offering two-for-one on all orders on print books. That is, books that come in that old-fashioned paper technology. If you know people who like to read, this is the perfect time to get them hooked onto M. Todd Gallowglas books so you have something more to talk about with them. HalloweenJackBothBeen thinking about getting into one of my series, but haven’t taken the plunge? This is great time to do it, because you can keep one set of books for yourself, and give the other set to one of the other readers in your life. Already have the whole M. Todd Gallowglas collection to date? You can take care of two people on your list in one easy step. Have a friend that loves to read too? Go half-sies on the whole thing. So many ways to make this holiday promotion work for you.

To take advantage of this awesome deal, just fire off an email gallowglas.army [at] mtoddgallowglas [dot] com.


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