Daily Rant: Favorite Writer

“Who is your favorite writer?”

If’ you’re a reader or a writer, you probably get this question a lot. Next is probably, “what’s your favorite book?”

And how many of us can actually narrow it down to one – in either category. Here’s my top five favorite writers (in no particular order):


  • Earnest Hemmingway
  • Steven Erikson
  • Harlan Ellison
  • Tim O’Brian
  • M Todd Gallowglas

That’s right! I put myself on that list. Some people are cool with it when I tell them that, but more often than not, the reaction to that is a little cold and sometimes downright hostile. Always, the vibe is, “Well, aren’t you full of yourself?” I can see that in their eyes eyes as they lean back and look me up and down, appraising me, trying to decide if I’m actually serious. I mean really, really serious. I can understand that reaction; after all, I’m putting myself in with some pretty high company with that list.

Here’s the deal kids: I love my writing. Ultimately, I’m writing the stories I wish someone else would so I can read them. I don’t ever think I’m going to get tired of reading Halloween JAck and the Devil’s Gate. Not only do I get to have fun reading that story, I get to relive how much fun I had writing it. I have a feeling Curse of Frost is going to fall into the same category. I’ve been going over the first three books in the Tears of Rage sequence while working on book four, and guess what…that’s right…I’m having a blast. Am I the best writer? Not even close, but dammit, I love reading those stories. They’re bloody fun!

Here’s the thing I don’t get: Why are people surprised when I tell them I’m on the list of my favorite writers? I spend more time with my work more than any other writer I’ve ever read. One would think…nay…one would hope and pray that any writer holds themselves at least in his or her top five writers. If not, I can’t imagine the hours of suffering said writer must go through during the various drafts and hours of editing each project. When I run into a writer who I don’t like, I can’t finish the piece, even if it’s a short story. I spent too much time in pursuing my BA reading stuff I can’t stand *cough* “Everyday Use” by Alice *cough* Walker *cough* eight times *cough* to spend my leisure time reading stuff I can’t stand. Hell, when all is said and done, I’m pretty sure every writer in existence winds up reading his or her work a bajillion time more than any other writer.  How deary that must be for writers who don’t think of themselves to be at least in their top 5.

Maybe I am full of myself. It would not be the first time I’ve been accused of such. Fine. At least I love what I do, all aspects of what I do.

What do you think? Other writers, be honest, do you rank yourself in at least in your top five favorite writers? If not, why not?
