Wizard World Portland – CosPlay shots

Greetings all. Just got back from Wizard World Portland. Had a great weekend in spite of a couple of hiccups in things beyond my control. Bounced back and rocked it. Got to see some pals, including a buddy I haven’t seen in at least twenty years, and made new friends. Biggest thing this weekend was the success of my experiment with an exclusive book for Wizard World Portland, Single Steps. It went over so well, I’ll be doing special volumes for each convention I head to in the future. Each volume will have a different lineup of my work, including a short story special to that volume. I’ll also write a quick little flash fiction story on the back page.

For those of you who are familiar with the site, you know I like to take pictures of people in awesome cosplay who wander by my table. I ask them to pick a book from my table so I can get a picture. I started this at Wizard World: Sacramento when I posted the images to my various social media. At Wizard World: Reno, I started posting these pictures to my website. I hadn’t gotten any complaints about this from anyone…except one dude on Reddit… who said I was exploiting the cosplay community in order to promote my books. Well, we can’t have that, but I also know that people love seeing the pictures…


To make sure no one feels exploited, I’m opening up to voting. In the comments, vote for you favorite. Voting lasts until midnight Pacific Time on Friday, the 30th. The top three cosplayers will get prizes (In the form of my books.) If you recognize the cosplayers, and know they have a web page, or Facebook page, let me know, so I can link them.

Now, on with the cosplayers. Don’t forget to vote for your favorites.

Update: As of 9:00 pm 1/27/2015, this post has been up for about 24 hours. It’s had 584 views, making it the most viewed post on my site in a single day. And still… We have a total of two votes. PLEASE tell me who you like people! 1422077275064

Black Widow picking up a copy of the ComicCon Exclusive


Peter Parker has a good feeling about Tears of Rage!


Maybe Halloween Jack can outwit some Titans.

1422239364095Doctor Horrible wants to rule the world of Tears of Rage. Penny wants to save it.


Mandalor uses Dead Weight as training manuals.


Some species just aren’t ready for Tears of Rage.

IMAG0232 Halloween Jack is enchanting.
IMAG0236 M Todd Gallowglas books survive the Fallout.IMAG0237 Dead Pool likes Dead Weight more than a chimichonga.IMAG0238 Waldo thinks he found Halloween Jack, but really Halloween Jack found him.IMAG0239When not fighting titans, they read M Todd Gallowglas.

Tears of Rage is Casey Jones approved.1422077275712

Rocket thinks Halloween Jack is almost as smart as he is.


Leeloo takes Tears of Rage everywhere.


Big daddy…er….Big Sister is checking out a different kind of Steampunk in Halloween Jack.


I’ve never seen Spirited Away, but No-Face is reading Tears of Rage, so it’s now on my to watch list.


Roland of Gilead looking for a new ka tet in Dead Weight.


Kahleesi may find a kindred spirit in Julianna from Tears of Rage.


These benders think that Halloween Jack has all the elements of a great story.


Mal and Kaylee think M Todd Gallowglas books are shiny.

Batgirl likes characters who use brains over brawn…
Like Halloween Jack.

1422123674585 This badguy from Zelda is doing research on how to be really bad in Tears of Rage.

Tank Girl

Tank Girl multi-tasking kicking butt with her tank and reading some Dead Weight.1422160640061

Halloween Jack is cool.


Old-school Bane thinks Dead Weight is funny.


Stormborn wants to bring the storm to Westeros.


These dudes abide with M Todd Gallowglas Books.


I tried to tell Tyrion Lannester that wasn’t a book about the Stark family.


The Human Empire looks at Dead Weight as alternate history.


The Wicked Witch is studying a potential foe by reading his adventures.
1422160640624Read Dead Weight bub.


Gambit likes Curse of Frost, because the cover brings out his eyes.


Another Mandalorian in training.

1422239363429Even steampunk Dory can’t forget Tears of Rage.

I don’t think Dead Weight has the kind of soldiers Agent Carter is looking for.
1422239363868 I’ve never played Halo, but I hear people who do cry Tears of Rage all the time.

1422160638809Spidey and Black Cat taking a break with some Halloween Jack.


I’m beginning to think that Daenarys only wants to read Tears of Rage.


Harley has no idea what she’s getting into with Dead Weight.


No caption. Just awesome.


Read Dead Weight or be eeexxxterminated.
1422239365650Obvious choice is obvious for the god of Thunder.


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