Wizard World Reno

Been a loooong year, and I just got done with my last event of 2015. Wizard World Reno was my second Wizard World this year, the first one being in Sacramento last March. It was overall a great weekend. Saw some people I haven’t seen in a long while, made some new fans, and had a bunch of new readers and fans join up with the #GallowglasArmy. I really can’t thank my pal Will Weisser for coming up with the term.

At my first Wizard World, I startec taking pictures of people in cool cosplay outfits posing with my books and posted those pictures across my social media. I did it at several other events throughout the year. I got some great ones at Wizard World Reno. I decided that after each event, I’m going to put all the pictures from the whole weekend into a blog post, so everyone can enjoy them without sifting through my social media.

Next year, I’ll be doing a contest. After I post the pictures, everyone will vote on their favorites. First place will get the entire M. Todd Gallowglas library of books. Second place will get one series. Third place will get the book of their choice. At the end of 2015, we’ll do a best of the best, and those winners will receive even cooler prizes. So…if you’re a cosplayer, stop by my table and let me take your picture.

Until next year, here are the pictures from Wizard World Reno. Oh, if you recognize any of these cosplayers, and you know if they have a website and/or Facebook page, let me know so I can link them.


Little DoctorThe Doctor like Halloween Jack even more than fish fingers and custard.

Ash Family

4 out of 4 Ashes agree that M. Todd Gallowglas books are groovy!


Buy these books or the author gets it.


Belle thinks Halloween Jack is enchanting.

Han Solo

Dead Weight will teach you to shoot first.

Dread Pirate Roberts

The Dread Pirate Roberts likes Tears of Rage even more than a nice MTL.

KlingonThe Klingon Empire uses Dead Weight as training manuals.

Little SherlockSherlock says reading Halloween Jack is elementary.


Tears of Rage is Mandalor approved!

MLP Equestian Girls

The equestrian girls exploring the books of M. Todd Gallowglas.
Featuring Ember Sky CosPlay.


Professor SproutProfessor Sprout says Halloween Jack will grow on you!

rorschachEven Rorschach cares about Dead Weight.

Little Storm Trooper

Aren’t you a little short for a Stormtrooper?

SonicEven Sonic slows down to read some Tears of Rage.


An Alien reading Dead Weight…your argument has never been so invalid.

So, which is your favorite. Let me know in the comments below.


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