Wife’s 2013 Writing Challenge (Words or Pie)

One of my all-time favorite moments on my wife being supportive of my writing came while I was working on Arms of the Storm, book three in the Tears of Rage sequence. I was dragging my feet writing a scene where a particular character had to die.

Yes, for a myriad of reasons for both that character and the overall story arch, the character had to die. Oh, yeah, and for those of you who haven’t made it into the Tears of Rage books, characters die. LOTS of characters die. In each book.

Anyway, after a couple weeks of wussing out, the wife asks, “Is he dead?” (Spoiler: it’s a “he” character.)
Me (Sheepishly): “no.”
Wife: (Pointing at my office door): “You get in there, sit down, kill that character, and write me a novel.” (pause.) “And make me a pie!”

Isn’t it great how supportive she is?

This morning over Facebook, I told an old friend I’d reconnect this story. Much lolling ensued.  When I got back from Starbucks, I told my wife about this.

Wife: “Maybe that’s what you should do. Every month you don’t finish a project, you can make me a pie.”
Me: (Cause I’m kind of rash about some things): “Okay.”

So, here I am, more than halfway through the month and nothing close to being done. Better get writing.

I’ll let you guys know whether I make it or not.
