Update on Arms of the Storm
Greetings everyone! I know I promised some people that Arms of the Storm would be available today, but due to life circumstances, It’s not 100% ready. I’d originally planned for book three of Tears of Rage to be in the 90,000 word range. As of this morning, the book is climbing up toward 109,000 words. I’m hoping to have everything tied up and off to beta readers and editors by the end of the week. I have plans for much coffee, jolt cola, junk food, and little sleep to get back on my writing and publication schedule.
Just to tide you over, I’ve posted a fairly lengthy chuck of Arms of the Storm to the “Sample” portion of the blog. I hope you enjoy that. As it’s from the third book in the series, the sample has some spoilers of the other two Tears of Rage books, so you might want to check those out first.
Hope you enjoy!
Medan kerta voida johta tas!