
I’ve been absent from this blog for a while.  Sorry.  Had a lot of things going on in my head that I needed to get sorted out.  Well, I’m still sorting, but I’m past the point where the sorting is so loud it drowns out everything else.  So it’s back to work for me.  And by work, I mean the writing.

First and foremost:  I discovered this little gem of a blog:

It’s an ongoing dialog between two very fine fantasy writers: Jim Butcher and Patrick Rothfuss.  It’s just getting going, but I’ve already learned some great wisdom from these men about writing and life.  Plus: it’s just pure fun.

The writing challenge of the day will return next Monday or Tuesday after I get home and I unpack my Grumpy coffee mug.  I will even do my utmost to actually do them and post them.

Got the PDFs of my four short stories in the email from Fantasy Flight Games. w00t!!!!!  I keep opening them and getting all giddy at the “By: Michael Gallowglas” underneath the title.  I don’t think I’m ever going to get tired of that.

Off for now, but more to come soon.  Until then, I leave you with this thought:

The teacher worth learning from is the one still learning themselves and free enough of ego to admit to mistakes and even ignorance.” – D. Stone.


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