Small Business Saturday – My Indie Writer Pals!

It’s “Small Business Saturday” the day where we’re supposed to support small/local businesses. As a quick reminder, I’m having a sale, but this post isn’t about me. This post is to let you guys know about some of my indie and small press writer pals. These are some talented folks, putting out quality work. Please, take some time to browse their websites.

GIFTING EBOOKS: I don’t know if the other ebook retailers offer this, but with amazon, if you know someone with a kindle, and you know the email associated with that kindle, you can buy ebooks for that person and have them load onto the person’s kindle. Best of all, you can schedule the day which the ebooks will download. I think that’s all kinds of awesome.

So, without further adiue,  Here are some great not-yet-famous-authors and publishers I hope you guys will support!

Christopher Kellen

S. A. Hunt

J.L. Doty

A.E. Marling

Frances Pauli

J.D. Hallowell

Steven Mix

Gregory S. Close

Terry C. Simpson

Garret Calcaterra

Jennifer Brozek of Apocalyps Ink

Katie Chord of Evil Girlfriend Media (Chris Kellen and I each have a story in their anthology, Bless Your Mechanical Heart, edited by Jennifer Brozek.)

I know I’m leaving people out. Check back here as I update the list when people I forgot to mention poke me and say, “Hey man, what about me?”


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