
M Todd Gallowglas

Michael Todd Gallowglas

Start with raw imagination. Add two parts coffee to every one-part whiskey (for best results, use Irish or Scottish single malts. Bourbon may result in a volatile mess.)

Add equal heaping spoonfuls of angst, whimsy, snark, and just a dash of imposter syndrome. Shake vigorously. Once it stops frothing, drop in one Masters of Fine Arts in Fiction and a second in Poetry. Sprinkle a healthy dose of shenanigans on top, while chanting either, “What’s a gleeman?” or, “Tell me a story,” depending on personal taste.

Yields one pantheon, a Faerie War, a cloak of tales, the thwarting of devils and demons, revolutions, Slightly Above Average Misadventures, nerdy poetry, convention panels, geek literary theory, writing classes, role-playing games, airsoft battles (because it’s cooler than paintball), and groovy swing dancing. Best served at Con temperature.

A man known by his friends to be a bit too clever for his own good, Michael Todd Gallowglas is a hybrid-author (with mainstream and alternative publications), storyteller, and educator from Northern California. He has written over 20 books including novels, short story collections, poetry collections, and non-fiction books. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University, a Master of Fine Arts in Fiction from Sierra Nevada College, and a Master in Fine Arts in Poetry from the University of Nevada Reno, Tahoe. His traditional storytelling show at Renaissance Faires, Celtic Festivals, and geeky conventions has mesmerized audiences for over thirty years. When not writing, Gallowglas is an avid gamer, enjoys ballroom dancing (swing, blues, and tango are his favorites), and adores coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.


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* Forthcoming

The 9/10 MemWar

The Re-Imagined Princess*

Tears of Rage
Halloween Jack
 Tales of the Dragon Bone Flute’
Dead Weight
  • The Tombs
  • Paladin
  • Search and Destroy
  • Warrior Poet
Warts and All

Stopwatch Stories

An Cra Crio


