Dragon Bone Tales

The Dragon Bone Flute

Elzibeth just wanted to be left alone to play the flute her grandfather gifted to her on his deathbed. However, three brothers in Elzibeth’s village seem to think she needs a lesson to bring her down from her fancies and to stand firmly on the ground like everyone else. These brothers take Elzibeth’s flute and challenge her to seek out the dragon’s cave, even though the last man who went there never returned. While no one has seen any sign of a dragon in decades, they still have the good sense not to go off stirring up old trouble. Elzibeth must risk stirring up old trouble or lose her music forever.

This one challenge sparks of events that change Elzibeth’s life forever. She learns that fancy and wonder can be both wonderful and terrifying, that the magic of dragons is more than skin deep…and sometimes old trouble is not nearly as bad as new trouble.

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Legacy of the Dragon Bone Flute

Killian lives in his grandmother Elzibeth’s shadow. The people of his village look at him and whisper in corners when they think he cannot hear them. He inherited her fiery hair, passion for playing the flute, and free spirit. Killian’s uncle Ian tells a tale of the last night anyone saw Elzibeth, a tale of music and dragons that sets Killian on a path to the old village in search of his destiny. Are uncle Ian’s motivations for sending Killian searching for the flute as pure as they seem?

While Killian shares his grandmother’s passion for music and love for life, he is different from Elzibeth in many ways. The songs Elzibeth played with the Dragon Bone Flute shaped her character and destiny. What songs will Killian choose to play? Will the Dragon Bone Flute shape Killian’s destiny, or will he command the songs and forge a destiny all his own?

Purchase directly from me.
Links to other retailers coming soon.


Legend of the Dragon Bone Flute

Trials of the Dragon Bone Flute

Last Dirge of the Dragon Bone Flute