Convolution Schedule

Greetings all! Coming up on the second time around for one of my favorite conventions: Con-volution. Last year it was ROCKING – the best first year con I’ve ever been too! This year does not appear to disappoint.  They’ve got a great line-up of guests and speakers, and yours truly will be presiding as toastmaster for the event.

The event is November 1-3, in Burlingame, CA. Pre-registration is closed, but you can still get memberships at the door.

Here’s my schedule:

1:00pm – Opening Ceremonies.
7:00pm – Meet the guests

Saturday 11/2
12:00pm Self- Promotion for Everyone (I’m a little disappointed they didn’t go with the original name for this panel, “Shameless Self-Promotion”)
4:00pm – Storytelling. (This will be my Bard’s Cloak of Tales Show unlike ever seen before. I have a full two hours to amaze and astound. No worrying about being done in time for the next act. This will be one for the ages!)
6:00pm – Mythology, Basis for Modern Fantasy
9:00pm  – The Goblin King’s Ball. (The kickstarter campaign they had to fund this party was insanely successful. Bring your absolute bestest duds for this one. I’ll be your host for this evening, attending as everyone’s favorite lantern toting, stick throwing, grinning mad man in black and orange.)

Sunday 11/3
11:00am – Storytelling the Old-Fashioned Way. (This will be the 4th or 5th time I’ve moderated this panel, and each time it’s a completely different kind of awesome. Be sure to come and be part of the magic.)
1:00pm – Guest of Honor Interview with Brian and Wendy Froud. (I get to close out my Con-volution experience by interviewing the Frouds. Brian Froud is the mastermind behind all those “Faerie” books and was the conceptual designer on films like Lyberynth and The Dark Crystal. Wendy Froud is a doll and puppet maker having worked on films like Lyberynth, The Dark Crystal, and The Empire Strikes Back. If my information is correct, she created the first physical representation of Yoda. Yeah. My life is hard.)

Check out all the great events going on: If you are anywhere nearby, and you have that weekend open, you NEED to hit this con!