What Makes a Writer a Good Writer?
What makes a writer a good writer?
I’m sitting in my front yard wondering about any follow-up I may have to that question. I’m sure any number of people have an answer. They are sure their answer is the right answer. Their answer explains exactly what makes a writer a good writer.
Me… I’m not so sure…
What makes a writer a good writer?
I’m not so sure…
What makes a good write what makes a writer a good writer?
I’m… not… sure…
Not being sure offers me a kind of solace.
I’m sitting in my front yard. The sky is a crisp blue. It’s a glorious 78 degrees. I have the luxury and privilege to sit here between writing each line and ponder that question on this beautiful morning, drinking coffee out of my Boba Fett mug, and contemplating this question.
What makes a writer a good writer?
Rather than try and come up with an answer that is sure to fall well short of being satisfactory, I’ll leave the question lingering…
What makes a writer a good writer?
What makes a writer good?
What makes a writer?
What’s a writer?