Random Update

I really have to get better about posting stuff. It’s been a long time since I had a toddler. Forgot how much energy and attention they take…like right now…

One second.

Okay…so maybe a couple of minutes.

Just as I sat down to write this, Miss Megan started climbing on a box someone left out after the Costco trip last night. She doesn’t seem to understand the difference between playing with the box is okay, but playing on the box isn’t. I think we’ve got things straightened out… for the moment…

So, on with the randomly scheduled update.BYMH

In April, Evil Girlfriend Media released the anthology, Bless Your Mechanical Heart. I’m honored to have my story, “Just Another Day in the Butterfly War” included in this book along side some talented rising stars in science fiction. You should check it out, not just to support me, but also Evil Girlfriend Media. I’m very excited to watch them grow.

For those of you who come out to my shows at Renaissance Faires, unfortunately, I won’t have copies available. For those of you who collect signed copies of my work, you’ll have to order this yourself and bring it to a faire or signing that I attend. If you do, I’m more than happy to sign your copy if you bring it out to a fair. Also, if you get it from Amazon, they will probably deliver it in one to two days.

OtherWorlds2ndIt’s back…sort of. Otherworlds is returning to my live performances. Here’s the deal on this collection: you can only get this volume at one of my storytelling shows or readings – no where else. It’s my way of saying, “Thank you,” to my roots as a storyteller and show appreciation for where I found my first readers. This is the 2nd Edition because I cleaned up some stuff from the 1st edition, added a couple of stories, and wrote some short introductions to some of my stories. I also took out one piece that I don’t think works with where I am currently with my career. As far as I know, this is the final edition of Otherworlds. Next up, probably starting in 2015, I’ll have another collection of short stories. For those of you who can’t travel to my normal performance turf, contact your local Renaissance Faire and/or convention about bringing me out to your area.


DW Paladin Tags

I’m coming up on completing work on the second and third installments of Dead Weight. If all goes well with editing and cover art, I should have eBook and print editions of those by the beginning of June. Following that, I’ll be taking a break from Dead Weight and diving back into the world of Tears of Rage with book five, A Rise of Lesser Gods. That will complete the first of the three major story arcs in the Tears of Rage sequence. Hoping to have that wrapped up by mid/late summer, but don’t quote me on that. Once I wrap that up, it’s onto Halloween Jack as I’m going to try and get books 3 (…and the Red Emperor) and 4 (…and Viola’s Tears) before the end of the years, and if the universe is kind, by the end of October. The plan is to round out the year with the last three installments of Dead Weight. Next year, I’m looking at a new project entirely as well as finishing up The Dragon Bone Flute wrap up and more Jaludin stories.


This morning I had a chat with one of my new assistants about making a MAJOR change to my storytelling show… and that’s all I’ll say about it for now. We may implement the changes this fall, toward the end of our tour season. If we can pull it off, it’s going to be EPIC. If not, well, it will still be EPIC, just not necessarily the way we hope.


April’s writing seminar went really well. Everyone involved wrote some really killer fiction. I’m really proud of the work inspired. Looking forward to what we do in May. For the next few months, going through the summer, we’re going to be working on specific elements of the craft of fiction. If you’re interested, hit me up. We can determine if the seminars are something you’d benefit from.


We launched the new website briefly last week. Unfortunately, some of the features didn’t work quite the way we wanted them to, so we took it down temporarily. Don’t worry. It’ll be back.

I think that’s it for now. I’m probably forgetting something, especially since I’ve been juggling writing this post while making sure Miss Megan doesn’t make too big of a mess or tortures the animals with too much love. I’ll work to update the site.



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