Blogtober Post #8

Wow… What a day! Was all over the place and now I am fried. Here’s everything I did as a working creative.

First off, I wrote 5 new installments of the Nine Tenths Project and scheduled four. I plan to schedule out all that I have written first thing in the morning.

I drove to Davis and looked over the banquet room facilities to see about doing a Bard for Life show there. I’ll be doing a combination lunch and show matinee at 1 pm on October the 27th. This show will be limited to 30 people.

Updated the Bard for Life page on the website and created the Facebook event.

More scouring the internet for poems and fiction to use in the “Exploration of Craft.”

Wrote a poem.

Fiddled around with some fiction.

In the evening, I went to an artists’ networking mixer at Oblivion Comics, hosted by the Empire Arts Collective. The comic shop downtown as a coffee shop with a few food items as well as cider and beer. I’ve been to several events there, all hosted by Empire Arts. I love the energy and co-operative spirit of this amazing group.

Now I’m going to read some of The Stone Sky and some poetry before I crash.


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