A New Look!

I’m super excited about my website’s facelift. What do y’all think?

I’m going to spend a significant amount of time this month working on filling in the cracks here and there, getting book pages updated, and integrating an online store to the site.

I’m super jazzed at all the awesome stuff I have going on creatively in my life: new stories, finishing overdue stories, a new podcast, a couple more podcasts in the works, a YouTube show coming soon, the Slipstream Symposium in October, and more.

Recently I’ve figured out that if I have enough projects going, I can use them to procrastinate on my other projects. So basically… I am kinda tricking myself into getting a bunch of work done by feeling like I’m goofing off and avoiding a bunch of other work. I’m just embracing the wonkiness of how my brain works and turning that into a semblance of productivity. I think it’s pretty cool and messed up at the same time. Shrug. At least it’s getting me to get stuff done.

Anyway, keep checking back here for updates and new additions to the site.
