A Horse, a Horse, My Books for a Horse.

Greetings #GallowglasArmy!

Meet, Lancer. This handsome gelding is potentially going to be a new addition to our family. The plan is for him to become the primary horse for endurance racing. In order to see if he’s a good fit and clicks with us, we’re driving from Sacramento to Oregon this weekend to meet him. We’re hoping that he is as awesome in person as he is in the videos and pictures we’ve seen.

I’ve been told that he’s going to be pretty much solid white when he’s full grown, so expect to hear of Miss Megan’s adventures in trying to turn him into a unicorn.

To help with the possibility of bringing him into our family, including travel (gas for truck and horse trailer is a pretty penny) I’m doing a spontaneous book sale. I’ve got a stack of rare and out-of-print M. Todd Gallowglas books looking for a good home to help us bring Lancer back home with us.


I have a very limited number of the original editions of the Tears of Rage series remaining. I was going to pack these away for a while, but, for the worthy cause of bringing Lancer into our family, I’m happy to let someone take these home. For anyone who gets the set, I’ll happily throw in one of my personal copies of the new edition of First Chosen, from WordFire Press.

The set of these is $100 plus shipping.

BUT WAIT!!! I’m not forgetting fans of Halloween Jack or Dead Weight.

I have a set of the three editions of Halloween Jack and the Devil’s Gate. The edition with the Flaming Jack O’Lantern cover is the last copy of that cover I have, that I will ever be able to give to anyone else ever. The other two editions I’m offering are the proof copies. Rare indeed. I get a limited number of proofs for each edition of a book. Because of the rarity of these editions, I’m asking $200 for this set, and it’s limited to one.

The set of Halloween Jack books have sold. However…

I have a set of the second edition copy of The Devil’s Gate and the first edition copy of The Curse of Frost (these are the ones with Jack looming over the Jack o’ Lantern) that I will offer for $100 for the set.

I have a couple of proof copies of the first editions of DEAD WEIGHT: The Tombs and DEAD WEIGHT: Paladin. The first pair is $100. The Second pair is $150.

Prices do not include shipping.

If you’re interested in any of these bundles of rare M. Todd Gallowglas books, send me an email: mgallowglas@gmail.com.



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