From the Front Lines – San Jose Fantasy Faire

Since I’m heading off to the Tulare County Renaissance Faire this weekend, I suppose I should make my post about the San Jose Fantasy Faire.

Second year for this event, and with a few minor bumps here and there, it was a really nice show. It’s geared toward kids. Fantasy characters running around are some favorites from folklore: Snow White, Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, etc. Many of the vendors I see at Renaissance  Faires in Northern California events were there.

With the new baby, and it being within a few hours of home, I decided to make the drive Saturday morning, rather than head out Friday night. Left the house at five am. Got the the faire about seven thirty am. Went to check in. Got my wrist band that declared me as “official.” Went to privie. (Blue porta potty for those of you not up on faire speak.)


On the way, saw a very familiar yellow and burgundy pavilion that  was none other than Day Break Crepes and Coffee, the official sponsor of the Bard’s Cloak of Tales Show. Waved hello to Day Break Dave on my way to the privie. Once I was done with my business, I headed back toward the gate to fetch my books and such. Dave had a Firefly (warm and fuzzy caffeine goodness) waiting for me. Dave is the MAN. If you ever see them at a faire, do yourself a favor and order a Bard’s Cloak Carnivore Special. (Or “Carnnie” for short.) All the meat and cheese in a crepe your arteries can handle.

meandchrisI did some shows. Three each day, to be exact. Was much like any other day at faire, spinning tales, selling books. The difference was, at this event, I got to hang out with some other writers. Some of the same folks as last year, some new faces, at least for this event. I’ve hung out with Hugo award winning writer Christopher J. Garcia at conventions, but I’ve never gotten the pleasure of being able to sit with him and just let a conversation flow for the better part of a weekend. Looking forward to doing some writing for the fanzines he edits.  It was also kinda cool when a few people who knew me looked at his Hugo award (which he brought Saturda) and ask if it was mine. Despite all temptations, I did not use these moments to mess with people.

On Sunday morning before faire opened this happened. Warning, it’s a rant.

Despite that little bump in the road, Sunday was actually better for me than Saturday was. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually done the Bard’s Cloak of Tales Show. I’m grateful that my occasional assistant, Katie, was able to make it. I’d have been lost without her as I fell back into my groove. Every winter I tell myself, I’m not going to slip. I’m going to really work on it. This year I meant to, but then Megan came along, and let me tell you, that little ball of awesome can be quite distracted, even when she’s being a joy…well, especially when she’s being a joy. Sunday I hit my stride. Timing on shows was better, and much fun was had by all.

MeandMadolynThe San Jose Fantasy Faire is a great event, and I’m glad it was my firs of the season. It’s not as big as most of the other events I attend, but that’s alright. It allowed the performer and costume characters to really focus on performing and interacting with the children. I had a few regular fans of my show, and even a few fans of my writing stop by and say “hi,” both at the writers’ pavilion and at the show. My regular readers were very excited to have access to the print version of Halloween Jack and the Curse of FrostIf you’re in the area, and get the chance to go next year, I recommend it for a nice, low-key weekend getaway for the family.

Until next time, may all of your stories have happy endings.



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