Forthcoming in 2014

tech-trends-2014In the last few, and over the next few, you can look forward to many people posting their retrospectives of 2013. Not from me, except to say, I had a decent year: drank whiskey, told some stories, went to some faires and some cons, played some airsoft, tried to be the best dad and husband I could, wrote some stuff, and added quite a few nice pieces to my collection of Boba Fett memorabilia. (Yeah…so…I have a Boba fett-ish…what’s it to you?) Now that I’ve got that over with  I’m much more interested in looking forward to 2014.

So, here’s what I have planned for the next year, don’t know if I’ll get to it all, but I gotta dream big:

My website is going to get a MAJOR overhaul.


I’ve got a lot of catching up to do on my writing projects. Now that Miss Megan is older, and I’ve got a rhythm down with her addition to the household,  I’ll be getting back to more writing. Yeah, this is an extensive list, but I think if I buckle down, I can get most of this done this year.

• Dead Weight: Stop Running
• Coding (My story set in the world of Hugh Howey’s SILO saga..except it doesn’t take place in a SILO.)
• Dead Weight: Paladin
• Halloween Jack and the Red Emperor
• Dead Weight: Seek and Destroy
• Legend of the Dragon Bone Flute
• Dead Weight: Scheherazade
• TEARS OF RAGE: A Rise of Lesser Gods
• Dead Weight: Heroes’ Journey
• Halloween Jack and Viola’s Tears
• Dead Weight: Crescendo
• Spellpunk: Book One

I think that’s the order I’m going to tackle everything with, but a few of the books might swap places, depending on how the words flow and which projects keep me productive. Yes, I’m aware that some of you are waiting on more Jaludin. He is coming back. I promise you all that I will return to the Lands of Endless Summer.


I’m going to up my reading game. Been slacking off that for the last few years, which is why I think some of my writing stalled out. I’ve been doing a lot of imaginative output without balancing it with at least an equal amount of imaginative input. So here’s the reading goals for 2014:

• Malazan Reread: A chapter a day from the Malazan books, reading them in chronological order. Any more than a chapter a day and I’ll get sucked in to the detriment of all other aspects of my life.
• A Harlan Ellison story a day.
• Two other short stories a week.
• One to Four Novels a month, depending on the length of the novels.

I’ll be posting my thoughts on these works and this literary journey throughout the year. I’m also going to delve back into my notes and PDFs from my days as a creative writing student. I feel that my writing has stagnated, and I need to jump start it a bit.

Bard’s Cloak of Tales

Biggest news for the storytelling show is that I’m talking to some people about turning it into a YouTube show. I”ll be having a camera crew following me around at some events and if anything interesting happens we’ll put it up on the YouTube channel. If nothing else, this will give people who don’t live near my normal touring circle a chance to see the show.

I’ll also have my preliminary performance/appearance schedule up within the next few days as well. I have some new events I’ll be attending this year ranging all up and down the west coast.

Final note for the Bard’s Cloak of Tales Show, this year will see the return of my Otherworlds collection, and possibly Silk and Cobwebs. These are short story anthologies that you can only get by attending one of my shows or readings.


That’s what I’ve got on my plate this year. What’s on your agenda?



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