Get an Advanced Copy of Dead Weight: The Tombs

DeadWeightTombs1If you’ve been following any of my social media at all, you’ve seen hints and teasers and progress reports about my next project, Dead Weight. If you haven’t heard about it, read a little about it on my “What is Dead Weight” post and you can read a bit of the teaser here. I’m trying a whole bunch of new things with it, things I’ve never done, both with my writing and storytelling as well as things surrounding marketing.

I’m going to give out 50 advanced copies of Dead Weight: The Tombs. All you have to do is leave your email in the comments below. So you can avoid the risk of spam, write it like this: emailname[at]domain[dot]com (or net, or org, etc.).

The catch: If you accept the advanced copy, you are entering into a handshake agreement  to post an honest review of the story when it goes live to Amazon (and Goodreads if you’re on it.) I can already hear some of my regular readers itching to get an advanced copy. Comment I’ll be picking fifty of those people at random to receive and advance reader PDF of Dead Weight:The Tombs Monday the 20th of January, 1/20/2014.

A couple of notes and “fine print” details:

If you run a book review column, blog, site, etc… please contact me directly, and I will happily provide a copy for you without having to participate in the email raffle.

If this generates enough interest, and I get a metric butt-load of people posting and commenting, I’ll bump the number of people to get an advanced copy to 100….maybe more.

Please, and I ask again, please don’t sign up if you are unable/unwilling to post a review of the story on Amazon. Amazon reviews are probably the easiest way for any book by any indie author to build “street cred.” Even with the “payed reviews” scandal of a couple of years ago, many readers will check out a book’s Amazon reviews to help determine whether or not they are going to give that book a try. Thanks.

Also, I’m releasing the Dead Weight story as a serial, and this is the first installment. Dead Weight: The Tombs it’s on the shorter side (about 25,000 words) and sets up a much a greater story arc, about half of it is written, another quarter exists in rough scenes, and the last quarter is in notes. I’ve done my job right, Dead Weight: The Tombs has all the trappings of a good serialized story.

Finally, Dead Weight is not a story for kids. If you’re coming to my fiction from Halloween Jack or The Dragon Bone stories, but found Tears of Rage too much, Dead Weight might also not be for you. If you’re unfamiliar with my other works, well…nothing like jumping right into the deep end…right? While it is fantasy, because that’s how my brain works, Dead Weight is at it’s heart a war story, with all the traumas that come with it. What’s more, it’s a war story with the faerie from Irish Mythology, and while some fey resemble humans, they are most definitely inhuman, and with that, they do not share human moral systems. It’s a tail of accepting responsibility for choices made, even when both sides of a decision lead to an equal amount of suckage. Toss all that together, and it means I’m exploring some pretty grim stuff with this one.

Once again, to be considered to receive an advanced copy of Dead Weight, reply in the comments with your email address in the following format emailname[at]domain[dot]com (or net, or org, etc.).


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