Blogtober post #3

It’s been a long day. Writing this at almost 1 am. Combining two days work into one post in bullet points, because I’m exhausted.

  • Nine Tenth’s project written: 8
  • Nine Tenth’s Project Scheduled: 5
  • One chapter of Halloween Jack and the Red Emperors scheduled.
  • Did a ton of research to flesh out certain aspects of Halloween Jack and the Red Emperors. Really happy with how the layers of that story are developing.
  • Planned out which craft book readings will go with which lessons in “Exploration of Craft.”
  • Picked out some fiction and poetry readings for some of the lessons for the class.
  • Came up with a potentially radical and game-changing way to think of protagonists and their developmental arcs on a story-structure level. Really mind-blowing.  Might do this as a Gallowclass during NaNoWriMo.