I just started to sit down to write this blog entry to talk about all the help and support beginning/struggling artists need from their friends, family, and first fans.  I have two ways that I write for the blog.  Both ways start with an idea.  Something pops into my head, and I think, “I want to write about that.”  I open up up blogspot and set myself to crank out the new post.  Then things change in execution.  One way is that I go by the seat of my pants, just writing and writing with no care in the world for where I’m going and finally, I think, “This is a good stopping place.”  The other way is to take my time, take some notes, and think carefully about what I’m going to say.  I’ll delete stuff, move paragraphs around, and rework stuff that isn’t really flowing how I think it should go.  This blog post was one of the latter.  I’ve been fiddling with it on-and-off for the better part of the day.  Then I had a conversation with a guy I know from the Southern California-is Ren Faires on Facebook.  He gave me the following quote:

“It is unfair to struggling authors to lend books. If you have enjoyed a book, hide your copy, tell your friends about it, and direct them to the nearest reputable bookseller.”


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