October Updates

UBC-bannerboxSo last week I was lurking around on my various social media outlets, and as I frequently do, I followed this link that looked kind of interesting. I do this mostly with stuff about publishing or social media, just so I can snicker at someone’s pathetic attempts to get suckers to give them money. This one wasn’t at all about money. It was a challenge…a challenge to write a single blog post every day in the month of October. I thought, “My blog could use a bit more activity. And hey…I’m going to do NaNoWriMo next month, lets get in the habit of producing content every single day. (Something I don’t always do. Heck, sometimes I go a few days without working on something.) Really though, it’s about adding content to the website and the blog, something that I really should pay more attention to.

Here’s the first blog post, coming in under the wire. As of now I still have 93 minutes to post this ans still meet today’s requirement. To that end, I’m just going to talk about stuff I’m up to.

tor4I wrote and published a new book. Judge of Dooms book four in the Tears of Rage Sequence. I’ve talked about it before, but never hurts to mention it a couple of times after the launch. Here’s some nice things people are saying:

“M Todd Gallowglas is the real deal.” – Brandon Sanderson
“Tears of Rage is a fantastical gritty series about faith, dedication, fear, and perseverance. A tale for the times we are in, with realistic characters forced to face their own flaws that are just as dangerous as their enemies. Read it.” – Damon Stone, Fantasy Flight Games
“This is really great stuff!” – James Rollin

Get it directly from me, or any online retailer.

I’m hard at work on Halloween Jack’s next adventure: Halloween Jack and the Red Emperor. It’s going to be a fun one. With old friends and new. If the universe is kind, this year we’ll actually get a Halloween Jack book in October. I’m fairly certain that we will, however, I set a date for Judge of Dooms and found out I was waaaaaay off the mark. Stay tuned for updates.

genre undergroundOver the last few days I’ve been chatting with my writer pal, Christopher Kellen. We’ve both decided it’s time to try and jump start some life into our pet project, The Genre Underground. We’ve got some exciting events planned to help people discover some hidden gems in science fiction, fantasy, and horror. New faces and old will be chiming in on what books you should check out, writer resources, and the state of genre fiction as a whole. The new website is a work in progress, but we’ll be adding content daily. And we’re always looking for readers and writers to join the revolution.

That’s the big news. Keep checking back every day this month for new blog posts (I’ve got a few RANTS I’ve been saving up for a while), reviews, updates, as well as general changes to the site. Nothing too drastic, unless I get into one of my moods, but I don’t see that happening. I might even post some baby pictures. Check the events page for places I’ll be.

Until tomorrow, I’ve got to get some work done on Halloween Jack and the Red Emperor.

Quick edit: Stay tuned for word on a couple of book giveaways I’ll be doing.
